2 Hikes 2 Walks 1 Nice Day .1 by Dave Hileman

On Saturday Jill and two friends (Jim and Leann) drove north of Knoxville to Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. It is immense park covering 125,000 acres on the Tennessee and Kentucky border. The drive took about 2 hours to our first stop the Twin Arches trail. These are two large arches and if they were out west at Arches National Park they would be among the stars of the show. Here, because they are remote and in the midst of a vast forest they are popular but the parking lot only holds about 20 cars and the dirt and gravel road - one lane for much of it - is nearly 5 miles long to get to the hike starting point. But what a treat for a big payoff with just over a 1.5 mile hike (and 100 stairs on each leg of the trail) on the loop trail.

I was able to squeeze, literally, through this opening - cool spot.

A River Runs Through It: Bow and Saskatchewan by Dave Hileman

Linking both Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada along the Icefield Parkway are a series of lakes that link the Bow River in the south to the Saskatchewan near Jasper. Some of the most breathtaking scenery along the highway and well worth frequent stops to stand in awe of the created beauty. Here are photos from that section but I no longer know exactly which lake or what river I was when the shot was taken. So suffice to say the Bow and the Saskatchewan, enjoy.

A River Runs Through It: Niobrara in Nebraska by Dave Hileman

The Niobrara National Scenic River runs across the southern edge of most of the state of Nebraska - It may dip into Kansas at times because while we flollowed the course of the river for many miles it was often not close the the rural roads we were on. There were many bright spots along the way including an historic bridge and a new bird, a Lark Sparrow.

A River Runs Through It: Obed in Tennessee .1 by Dave Hileman

From the NPS web site: “The Obed Wild and Scenic River looks much the same today as it did when the first white settlers strolled its banks in the late 1700s. While meagerly populated due to poor farming soil, the river was a hospitable fishing and hunting area for trappers and pioneers. Today, the Obed stretches along the Cumberland Plateau and offers visitors a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities.” I took these about six years ago now I live 90 minutes away.

Low Country Vignettes .4 by Dave Hileman

Our last look - for now - from the South Carolina coast. All these shots are from the Magnolia Plantation near Charleston. Lovely day on their grounds. The gardens here have been a tourist destination since 1870! I shall ask Dennis what it was like back then. The gardens are also one of the countries best collection of camellias. The gator was an only about 5 feet but just a bit off the path.

Low Country Vignettes .2 by Dave Hileman

On the pier for the ferry to Bull’s Island. The long pier and the attendant boat launch area also attracts fisherman and birds. This morning I was out with Dennis Mook of The Wandering Lensman blog. That is not Dennis in the photo but how your Costco gas attendant spends his day off!



Low Country Vignettes by Dave Hileman

The Low County is basically coastal South Carolina though it may include a part of Georgia. These are some shots from my week there a couple of weeks ago. First up is Fort Moultrie. It is a part of the Charleston defense system in place before the Civil War and while the National Historical Park is known as “Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie” the latter is not very well known even though it was an active fort well before the Civil War and was manned until the end of WWII. This fort was used in the bombardment of Fort Sumter that opened the drama we know as the American Civil War.

Fort Sumter is mostly hidden behind the tree in the center of the photo but the cannon is one that was used in the opening days of the Civil War. This is a more tranquil scene with kites, bikers, beach walkers and dogs along the beach.

Tugs ply these harbor waters all day. Fort Sumter is visible on the horizon in the right of the photo.

THis 35 star flag was an authorized flag for two years 1863 and 1864 the new star representing West Virginia. The tower is q WWII observation and communication addition.

Birds of the Week .4 by Dave Hileman

I have four and one bonus shot to share today. Little Blue Heron with a shrimp, Great White stalking in the swamp at Magnolia Plantation, SC, Bonaparte Gulls at Isle of Palms SC (non-breeding plumage and a Rusty Blackbird at Caw Caw reserve. Plus a Brown Pelican cause they are such fun to photograph, this one was in Alabama along the Gulf of America.

Birds of the Week .3 by Dave Hileman

I was delighted to find this beautiful White-eyed Vireo at the Caw Caw Reserve County Park near Charleston, SC. I have often heard this song bird and occasionally got a quick glimpse of one in the forest canopy but on this day the brightly colored male was searching for lunch on a short tree 15 yards from me. Jill and I watched him for 4 or five minutes. I thought at first it was a fly-catcher but eventually got a good view of his white eye ring. Anyway, enjoy this beautiful little usually shy bird.

Four more birds tomorrow and one of them is only the second time I ever saw one!

Birds of the Week .2 by Dave Hileman

This is a much more common bird than yesterday’s Common Black Hawk and I did not have to travel to south Texas to see it. You likely have a few Purple Finches around your house and feeder. But I saw this one at the Seven Islands Birding Park just east of Knoxville along the French Broad River. Somehow seeing a common bird in the “wild” instead of next to your porch is more satisfying and fun to photograph.

Birds of the Week by Dave Hileman

This is a Common Black Hawk found in the Southwest US. This one was photographed in Big Bend National Park, Texas, about 50 yards from the Rio Grande. The nest was nearby but there were, according to the ranger, no eggs yet. This was the first CBH I had ever spotted.

iPhone .4 by Dave Hileman

Our final look - for now - at the iPhone photos is the main reason I love the quality and access for photos — people. First, you never know when an opportunity appears for a great shot to remember a moment and it is important to have a camera in your pocket. 2. There are places where you can grab a shot that the camera just doesn’t fit, a restaurant or church for example. Finally, they are great because people are acclimated to the iPhone. You don’t get the “camera smile” when you quickly shoot your subject. And the memories are very special. Most of these photos would not exist if not for the.ease of the iPhone. And they are precious.

iPhone .3 by Dave Hileman

Food is the number one thing I take photos of, please do not judge me, I am not sure why I do this. But it is almost irresistible. So, here are a few of the hundreds on my phone. Tomorrow the most valuable reason I love my iPhone camera.

iPhone .2 by Dave Hileman

I found some photos that I would not have had or at least not likely to have had I only had my camera. Some people, of course, would not fail to have their camera at hand but occasionally I did not. Some places on the trip to Alaska fell into that category for several reasons, like a dip in a hot spring in the Yukon. And the old WWII vehicles that I did not expect on a walk to the campground office. I was going back to do more but that did not happen. An ice cream shop where you could buy a friend a scoop and a quick shot out the window of several railroad engines pained in old logos as well as a reflection shot in a parking lot. Here are a few…