Two Lane Touring

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Travel Diary Three

Day Three

Travel distance, 14 miles! We are staying overnight at the Grace Community Church in Frederick. Today is a workday. I am working on my presentation for a conference that happens in Tennessee right after we return from this trip. CJH is working on books but slowly as the internet in SC where our bookkeeping program is hosted is very slow. Not surprisingly. We are in a nice coffee shop called the Baltimore Coffee & Tea. Really nice with amazing selection of both coffee and tea and free re-fills. Not sure what will happen for dinner but I guess it will not be too much as we are eating a great sandwich and salad here at the coffee shop. 

Another Viewpoint!

What is wrong with my guides for this trip? We barely moved at all today. Maine is still as far away as it was yesterday. So, we did arrive at a decent place for dinner last night after an interminable trip through yet another battlefield. However, we ordered the special. The “special” was not a filet and, of course, that is the bare minimum order for proper steak. I’m traveling with Philistines. The single bright spot so far is that I finally have WiFi and a decent latte today.