Two Lane Touring

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Please, Hold the Parades

I know you missed me but there is a lot to do so we can celebrate later.

First thing I know you are all anxious to hear about is Ms. McKinley. She is fabulous, devoted to me and very busy getting ready for the grand opening of the first ever Cups & Cones Cafe. We have a spot all picked out north of Anchorage and south of Denali. Nice view of the river and lots of marshy stuff to soak in during warmer weather. The even bigger news is that once we get open in January she will turn her riveting attention to The Wedding! She has chosen a springish date, so stay tuned.

Also, as you faithful readers of my portion of Two Lane Touring, and who doesn’t read that first, already know, I have suspended my presidential campaign due to the fact The Bull Moose Party, unfairly I may add, does not get an automatic spot on the ballot. I am keeping all options open for 2024 and have several minions working on pre-planning a strategy. However two of them, Flash and Iso, are from Mr. Mook and they wander around muttering things like “evidence chain,” “procedure,” and “fresh donuts.” Not too helpful. I am also being pressured to run for governor, because it would be a “stepping stone” to the higher office. Easy - Peasy, that would not even be a contest but Ms. McKinley believes I need to concentrate on the Cafe for a few weeks. I can do that.

Which may cause some of you to muse as to why I am here. The guides are going to Florida and I need to find some fresh, creative and tasty dishes for the cafe and new flavors of lattes. So I bopped down to ride with them on this trip. Not the epic journey of the summer but they still need me when they get too far from home. Ms McKinley actually encouraged me to go saying something like it will go smoothly with me off doing more research. Isn’t that great? What a lady.

Finally, I leapt at the chance to see my dear friends Rusty, Janet and the ever dapper, Stan. Rumor is they might even let me meet their daughter. Janet adores me, of course, and may be suffering from depression since it has been a long time between visits.

We are going, I am promised, to a vast swamp or two. Delightful.

One of several statues being unveiled for me. This one used a draft name for the cafe. Oops.

All over Alaska people are responding to me - naming babies, changing streets. So nice to be adored.