Two Lane Touring

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I started the day very early walking around Eco Pond at sunrise and stayed for almost two hours. It is a bird paradise. I watched lots of herons and egrets but lots of less usual birds for me including: Little Blue Herons, White Pelicans, Rosette Spoonbills, Wood Storks, Avocets and Ibis - both glossy and white. The star of the morning was a Swallow Tail Kite. Super cool bird and somewhat rare even for here. I also got a photo of a bird neither I nor the rangers could ID, hope to get some help at some point on a name for that one. Later that morning all of us went to the Mahogany Hammock - a boardwalk through a mahogany forest of dense vegetation we saw no animals or birds there. Later after a respite at the ranger station we did a walk around the Marina and then a walk with Ranger Mike to see American Crocodiles - including one very large one sunning on the boat ramp. 

The Engaged Cadillac

I’m really depressed. This place has no coffee, no ice cream and not even a restaurant of any kind. How can I learn in this food desert environment. And did I mention it is at least 700 degrees here? Oh, and the crocs are even less friendly than the gators and believe me that is saying a lot. I can’t talk to Ms. McKinley and … I’m going back to bed.

Mahogany tree with pods