Two Lane Touring

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Ninety-Six NHS (Park Number 221)

The oddly named Ninety Six (HS Sports Teams - Fighting Actuaries:) was thought to be 96 miles from the Cherokee trading village that was the early reason for the towns existence. There were two Revolutionary War battles here, one in 1775 and one in 1781. After the second the town was burned to the ground by the retreating British who, though they prevailed in the battle, had to leave the area before they were attacked again. The park is well presented with very clear signs and lots of visual indicators to show you were things were 250 years ago. The grounds were well maintained. Nice experience here. 

This photo shows the faint mounds of what were six foot high earthen walls that the patriots build to attack the fort moving ever closer. However with word that a strong force of British relief troops were coming a premature attack failed and General Greene fell back. The fort is just beyond that log tower. More on that later.