Two Lane Touring

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Alaska Journey Day 109

A Grand Old Day

Two parks today, the morning in the Tetons and the afternoon and evening in the oldest national park in the world, Yellowstone. (We also drove though the Rockefeller Parkway yet a third park. None of these are new to us but we were able to get a few nice photos. We were up before dawn, saw three moose, bison, pronghorns and a nice sunrise. Back to the trailer and off to Snake River overlook (site of Ansel Adam’s iconic photo) and Schabacker’s Landing for some really nice reflections and a cool walk. We then got the trailer and stopped again this time at Oxbow Bend but the light was not too good and no ducks. A stop at the Jackson Lake Lodge for lunch at the 1950’s lunch counter (authentic not retro!) before we left for Yellowstone. We got into the campground, very busy, and then went to see what we could find. Turned out to be a field with nine elk, one bull who bugled and stomped and carried on to let one young buck on the hilltop know he was not welcome.  

Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint

So we are now in the Yellow Stone. Lots of distant and inferior “cousins” called elk. Though I will be diplomatic because they might vote. Can’t have a bloc against me. (Note the use of political terms, I am so good with languages, one of my most outstanding qualities.) Ms. McK staying in touch each day. She is urging me to get moving to other states. I am trying to get the guides moving but you all know by now how “he” is. Eventually we will stumble out of here. Lots of states to win yet. This big campaign swing (see!) is crucial.