Two Lane Touring

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Mackinac Island Redux I

Something a bit different this week. You may or may not have noticed yesterday’s photo from Mackinac Island. It was also from the first digital photos I took. I had just bought a digital Nikon 40. Now it is really sad that I did not know anything about how to use it. I had it on auto everything and most of the shots I took were not focused well or straight (lots of lake photos with the world tipping dangerously). I “thought” owning a Nikon was the same as magically being able to take photos that would rival National Geographic, or something like that. They were all jpegs, very small and mostly exposed poorly. So, the good news is you are going to get to see them, or a small subset of them, this week. I have adjusted the contrast and some corrections where possible but the out of focus or fill-in the blanks problems remain. I was very pleased with the at the time. Not quite so now. Oh, and the biggest issue was with my mediocre eyesight I never knew if they were in focus, just could not see in the viewfinder how they really looked.

I start with a shot of the fort. It was not too bad and I fixed the blown out highlights in L4 before posting.