Two Lane Touring

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Stylized Studio Shots & Story: Plumber

My dad was a plumber. He worked on a massive old house in Cheswick, PA, that was being turned into apartments but had belonged to a reclusive WWII general. When the tradesmen moved in there were floor to ceiling boxes of stuff in most of the rooms. I recall that the military people came and took out live ammo grenades, machine guns and the like from WWII. My dad - they were throwing out boxes and boxes, brought me a Japanese blood stained battle flag with a story written about it. (My mom threw it away) and several odd bits and pieces. One of which is this goblet that had the origin noted and in that hand written paper it explained where in Japan it came from (He was some sort of post war leader in Japan) and that it was about 2000 years old. I have had it ever since I was about 10. I used to use it as a dish for softening decals on my models! Now I just like to think that it was made in the time of Jesus - a continent away but still, 2000 years old. So I like to use it occasionally for communion when I served in the local church. Most often I would get it out for the Christmas Eve or a special service before Easter.

I am quite pleased with this shot it is pretty much as I envisioned it before i started and that is rare. I hope you have enjoyed this diversion from the norm here. I plan to do some more and experiment with a light background as well.

"This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood. Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it.” ! Corinthians 11:25 NLT