News and Notes
This is a scene from the street that goes past the campground where we stayed in Intercourse, PA. We are headed back there in a week. So in about 10 days we will be doing “Buggies, Crops and Straw Hats, the Sequel.” Always something interesting to photograph in the area. Then we are off to several Pennsylvania State Parks, a brief stop in Pittsburgh and Wheeling then home. We will be posting more new material for TLT. And maybe a NPS site. Maybe.
The Moose is back, or should be. It seems his luggage is lost in Portland and that might not be good. He is lost in North Dakota. Cadillac confuses the state with NORTH Carolina and NORTH, South Carolina completely flummoxes him. His ETA - if he finds the right bus, is Thursday so he ought to be posting soon. Unless I can convince him otherwise. Or get him to move to Florida or SE Virginia where there are, apparently, people who actually like him.
This week I have some photos from Raleigh of hidden, overlooked or forgotten spots that my grandson and I trekked to last week. And several Yellowstone photos from 2019 that I never edited before. That can happen when you shoot 19,000 photos in a summer.