Photos, Meh - Day, Excellent (3 photos)
Last Tuesday it was hot, as in slightly below the melting temperature of steel. And it was humid, scuba gear was required to cross a street. I was in Roanoke Rapids, 90 miles from Raleigh to meet Dennis Mook and to photograph what we could find. On this day we did not find much. It was not a great day for photography, light was bright, the bugs were bitting and I think I mentioned the heat. Neither of us got a super photograph, or all least Dennis said he did not. I am not disparaging his craft he may go one to win accolades with his shots. I can say for sure mine were not compelling yet I am still posting them. Because the day was still fun. It was great to get out, it being 2020 and all. I aways learn a bit from Dennis and this day was not exception. And we took photos, always fun and the challenge on that day was to take something. Also, I learned post shooting a lot about the neat railroad history of the tiny town of Weldon were we shot most of the photos. So, even if you don’t capture the best image of your year, even if it is not the best conditions, get out and enjoy the hobby, avocation, craft or whatever level of taking pictures describes your efforts. Enjoy today.
This fisherwoman liked red, I think. Her chair, her cooler, the ribbon on her hat and even the bobber at the end of her second line, were all red.
Top detail of an old overgrown mill
Home to five railroads at one time, Weldon was the South’s first rail hub city. This station built in 1912 served two railroads and the upper track had a stairway and separate covered waiting area.