Two Lane Touring

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The Trip Post

Kellen and I left LA after the Beverly Hills Auto Service changed the oil. This was a not as elegant as the name but a well run independent shop where everyone spoke German. They did a nice job on K’s car and we were off, north along the coast. I’m not about to detail the trip - you can still read C2C2C and K has a summary post up. It was an adventure. And it was also a lot about the car, car places and showcasing the car in photos. Once I got on to the idea it was fun, trying to get a great shot of the car. The one I picked for today is Kellen making a hard turn on the Bonneville Salt Flats and that place was amazing.

The absolute best part was the opportunity for me to spend 10 days with my outstanding grandson. I realize that time is precious and that kind of opportunity is not likely to come around again so I treasure each weird meal and miles of conversation or comfortable silence. It was a joy.

The very best thing I can imagine is that my wish for Kellen is that he gets the same kind of opportunity in his lifetime. It is a memory I will not forget. And if any of you get such a choice, do not hesitate, just go.

Regular programing returns tomorrow and next week new camping and Eats!