Two Lane Touring

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Black-chinned Humingbird

I spotted this little guy on a branch near where I was photographing the Burrowing Owls. This is another new bird, number 398 on my life list. It is a male and quite common in the Southwest but I never saw one on two previous trips. Over all I was a bit disappointed with the three places I had picked to specifically go in search of new birds, a wildlife refuge near Death Valley was nice but only a very few birds, the Henderson Water Treatment Bird Viewing park, again very nice and lots of birds but mostly very common. Although I did get a nice photograph of a Cinnamon Teal a bird I have seen only once before. Finally the Montezuma Well had an extensive list of birds seen in April but when I was there I saw only four kinds and very few of those. So the search continues for 399 and 400.