Two Lane Touring

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Harriet Tubman (NPS #315 Two Lane Touring)

This park is very near the Blackwater NWR in a corner of Eastern Shore, Maryland that is still quite rural. Harriet Tubman is a titan of American history and it is worth reading any of the books you might find about her singular life. Born a slave, escaped slavery, hunted, free woman, underground railroad “conductor,” spy, nurse, Civil War guide, farmer, leader, suffrage supporter, speaker, and in her later years - she opened and ran a home for black women that had no where to go. She did all of this with little education and little support. She had an iron will, unbreakable courage, a faith in God that might have made the book of Acts if she lived in another era and a determination that no circumstance could deflect. We visited her New York home in the Fingerlake region and were enthralled with her story. This museum is dedicated to her work on the Underground Railroad. It is built about 5 miles where she was born an enslaved person. She had a very hard life. The store pictured below is where as a girl she was hit with a heavy weight for not helping secure another slave and she suffered lapses of memory and more the rest of her life. Harriet Tubman will soon be the portrait on the US twenty dollar bill, a very fitting honor for one remarkable woman.

I like the dark storm clouds over the museum and Visitor Center, Mrs. Tubman had very few days that were not full of storms. The reeds and other fauna on a short walk are the kinds of plants common when and where she lived.

The museum has several vignettes from her life. Nicely done.

This private field was a part of the plantation where she was born and began working almost as soon as she could walk.

This store was where she first openly asserted herself and paid a price.