Two Lane Touring

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LBJ Memorial Grove (NPS #317 -Two Lane Touring)

File the under the “really” category. That there exists a monument to Johnson and, just for one example, none for John Adams, is baffling. LBJ was a character, an adapt politician, a gruff and profane man who became president unexpectedly and did such a job he lasted one term, but there is in DC a memorial to him. Appropriately it is not in the main stream of DC nor is it an imposing edifice. There is a small marina and park along the George Washington Parkway near the Pentagon that honors Lady Bird Johnson - the marina and LBJ - small grove of trees with a stone. Not a statue and not even a plaque to tell you about the stone. The best thing about the grove is the view of DC from the lone picnic table. Doing all the parks brings serendipitous finds and, occasionally, some you wonder who thought this was a good idea.

That is the Old Post Office peeking out from the most well-known of DC’s monuments.