National Park #352 - Pecos National Historic Site
What do you know, another ancient Indian site but with a twist. The Pecos NHS is further to the east than any of the others and occupied a high ridge in the Gloriata Pass, the gap where the Santa Fe trail passed and where a Civil War battle was fought for control of the New Mexico territory. They pueblo here was huge with a population of about 2000 people. Unlike many others they had a standing warrior group that could reach 500 at times. They were the bridge trading partners for the settled pueblos of the four corners and the Apache, Comanche and other Plains Indians. The Spanish arrived here by 1610 and took over the settlement and built a huge church while destroying Indian culture until the Indians overthrew them in the revolt of 1680. Eventually the Spanish returned and rebuilt but also settlers, soldiers, miners and more overwhelmed the area and the Plains Indians raided so often that the Pecos people moved 50 miles west and merged with another tribe. Descendants still come here frequently for ceremonies and services.