Two Lane Touring

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The Friends You Choose....

This is my son, Geof’s, 4:30 AM -F3 running group, one of hundreds across the country, in preparation for a marathon coming this fall. After 8 or 15 or 20 miles or so, they stopped and joined in prayer for Cindy. I was deeply moved.

And the friends Cindy and I hold so close have given us enormous support and encouragement and strength by their prayers, kindnesses and presence. The people you surround yourself with determine a lot about how your life unfolds in both the joyous times and the difficult times. Seems like a scripture that goes something like, “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” Or as Proverbs puts it succinctly “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”

Value your friends, choose them carefully and be grateful for each one of them and their collective influence on your life.

This will not be about Cindy’s health every day but I will post about her progress occasionally. We are about three weeks from a treatment regimen and when we have a path forward I will post an update on that part of this journey.

As of tomorrow I plan to get back to my therapy and post photography. I will miss on occasion but should be semi-regular with my posts.