Garden Week - One
Welcome to Two Lane Touring’s first ever Garden Week. We are focused (another brilliant pun at no additional charge) on the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library located Winterthur, DE, a bit north of Wilmington, Delaware. This area is a very pretty part of the country. Winterthur has a house you can tour consisting of 175 rooms, a smaller cottage of about 55 - much of that house is a gift shop, miles of hiking and walking trails in a stunning natural setting. Simply one of the more beautiful places you can ever visit. The lilacs were found in two areas, one was nearly finished blooming then on our second time at the gardens, (you cannot see all of this is a day, or two) we came across a section full of lilacs with glorious, abundant blooms. This is among Jill’s favorite flowers and she was delighted to have found so many and enjoyed being surrounded by these flowering gems.