As we end 2024 and begin a new page of the calendar, may your horizons expand and your joys increase. May you find direction and challenge in the Lord and may he bless your faith and faithfulness.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 13 of 13 /
Just one more photo from Christmas 2024. Jill and I had a nice, quiet and completely excellent Christmas afternoon dinner. We set up a table by the fire and enjoyed the ambiance of the tree, lights, and lots more. We both hope you too had a great day with your family, friends and focused on both the celebrations and the reason for the celebrations. Now on to a new year.
Sunday Scripture: Photo from Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Elkmont. /
As we approach a new year many people take stock of their lives at some level and consider what might be an improvement- hence the Resolutions. Here is a great one, let God work in you what pleases Him.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 12 of 13 /
Just a few snippets from the Christmas Eve festive meal we enjoyed. Beef Wellington, homemade rolls, oyster casserole, cranberry relish, twice baked potatoes, salad, butternut squash soup. For dessert both hummingbird cake and pumpkin pie. Everything made from scratch and all of it scrumptious.
Beef Wellington mastermind at work
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 11 /
We saw and listened to this delightful children’s choir singing at the Brandywine River Arts Museum in Chadds Ford, PA. We were on the third floor and they the second. So we could not see the whole group of about 25 but we could hear them well. It was fun to see their delight.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 10 of 13 /
Cedar Springs held a Christmas Eve service at 11 PM. It was a full house and a lovely service ending with the sanctuary flooded with candlelight. I thought you might like to see my view. Yes, i was in the choir. I sang bass, low bass no less. And occasionally hit the correct note. Linda Angel would be so proud.
Dave Jenkins of is three folks to my left!
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 9 Christmas Day /
The whole staff of Two Lane Touring wish you a very Merry Christmas infused with joy and wonder. Of all the many gifts God has given to us none is as amazing as the gift of his son. He was given so we might have access to him who created us to to whom we owe our eternity. We are clothed in him who spared nothing to bring us the opportunity to know him and find strength, grace, forgiveness and peace. May today be a day of rejoicing and reflection among all the wrappings and feasting. Take time to pause during the day to enjoy this incredible gift.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 8 of 13 Christmas Eve /
It is not surprising when you live with a musician that music often fills the room. It is also seen in some of the decor including that of the Christmas Season. If you look around the home you will find carolers, singing snowmen and angels who as angels do, herald the new born king. I particularly like this wreath with the musical overtones. On this the eve of the celebration of the birth of Jesus, I wish you joy and peace and hope that Christmas hits the right note with you and your family.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 7 of 13 /
The Brandywine Museum of Art in Chadd’s Ford, Pennsylvania is a showcase for local art and the Wythe Family who lived in the area, Andrew, NC, and others of the family are represented here. What I did not know but was thrilled to see was the whole second floor of the original old mill was set up with a wonderful O gauge train layout. Lots of animation, several long trains, lights everywhere, mills, towns, industry and more. A delight. Plus the fun of seeing lots of kids about 4 or 5 years old pushing buttons to make things work on the train set. Just fantastic. In the first photo, note that the moon has Santa passing.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 6 of 13 /
Sunday Scripture: Photo is from Harpers Ferry, WV.
How is this Christmas you ask? Well there is a Christmas concert going on inslide, “Do you hear what I hear?”
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 5 of 13 /
Today we present before:
and after:
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 4 of 13 /
I have a couple of my nativities set up here and they have been added to some of Jill’s. Here are two of hers the first is from Peru when the Cedar Springs Choir toured there a few years ago, the second is from her childhood. Both Jill’s and mine originated in Germany and have been displayed each year at Christmas. Mine is the last photo.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 3 of 13 /
In the portico of the mansion, Winterthur, is a tree decorated with dried and preserved flowers from the surrounding gardens. This is near to the spot we were engaged in May. We were here last week for a dramatic presentation of a Christmas Carol that was expressively read by the great, great, grandson of Charles Dickens. I was ill and unable to attend but Jill, after being convinced I was going to survive, attended and she said the reading was marvelous. She said he represented all the characters well, used distinct voices and body language to convey a unique aspect of each one. He usually does a tour in the US each year, if you read about him coming near to where you might attend, I would encourage you to book a ticket. He does a variety of readings not just this one. You can find some of his work on YouTube.
The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 2 of 13 /
Baking - lots of baking. This is like stage one with several more to come. The house is filled with aromas most delightful and tastes that are even better. Scores of dinner rolls, perfect cinnamon buns and, at last count, 130 GingerBears. Each one watched carefully by the master baker. Most of these are for gifts but, well, a few escaped bagging. Ahem, delicious! Shhhhhh, our secret.
The Twelve Days of Christmas (actually a baker's dozen this year) /
We start with the small tree gracing the credenza that includes many of the ornaments special to me. Some from my family over the years, some owned by my mother and father and perhaps their parents, to gifts, first years, travel, sons and grandchildren and even some recently carved. It is a tree of great memories and each placement evokes a moment of joy.
Back Tomorrow, and issuing partial refunds for your subscription! /
Oops /
I have had the flu this week while traveling. Sorry for no post today, will be back tomorrow.
Theme Week: Water @Longwood Gardens /
And then the fountains with lights and music for which they are justly famous. In this shot the small fountains in the front are topped with fire. Cool effect.
Theme Week: Water @Longwood Gardens /
In the massive conservatory there are pools, fountains, moving water along several “streams.” Note the people in the background are as colorful and the flowers!
Theme Week: Water @Longwood Gardens /
The carillon tower and a small waterfall