So you like to travel and need an economical way to stay for extended periods of time...tents? Not easy to set up and take down every day, they are always wet, you can't stay in a Walmart parking lot, they don't have bathrooms and then there are snakes and bears. No Tents. So, a light inexpensive trailer is what you need. You start research thinking of something you can pull with the Subaru. That lasts about two weeks until Subaru says, "Don't pull anything." OK, still lightweight and inexpensive small trailers. Look at tear-drops. No Tear Drops. Inexpensive does not mean cheap, outside kitchen, no real bathroom and you bump your head. So start with lightweight, inexpensive, small fiberglass trailers. Lots of poor choices. Then you find an Escape made in Canada. More expensive than planned but seems nice. Options push the price higher but there is one to see in Raleigh. It was OK, livable but there was the major trip going to British Columbia to pick it up after waiting months to have one built. Then Oliver showed up online. So you pack up a large box of gold coins, trade a cow and two goats for more money and take off for Hohenwald, Tennessee to investigate.
At a Tennessee State park near Memphis, TN. I missed most of the trees.