Fall 2018 Two Lane Touring Trip
3977.6 Miles across 12 states
99 hours, 27 minutes, 13 seconds drive time
Average moving speed just under 40 MPH
22 National Parks in eight states
14 first time, 8 revisits (seven of those were first time photographs)
1 New Mountain (Pemetic @ Acadia)
4 State Parks (2 MA, 2 NY)
1 Regional Park (Erie Canal)
1 Non-NPS Museum (George Eastman, Rochester, NY)
1 Baking Nirvana - King Arthur Flour store, cafe and school in NY
2 Wineries (ME and NY)
2 Outlets (Woolrich and LL Bean complex)
2 Farm Stands (NY)
2 Churches attended
1 Trailer Repair (Thank you Brockton RV)
1 Wild Oliver spotted
3 Boat Rides
6 days with no rain - you do the math
24 days / 23 nights (fuel, tolls, lodging)
1198.11 or $49.92 per day.
Plus admissions & other transportation: $92
We ate out about 1/2 of the time or slightly more.
Plus groceries on the trip. Food from a grocery store does not differ from home, so we really don’t count it as a travel cost. We do eat our more often and seek out nice places on trips but that is also largely our entertainment too. We had 8 or nine very nice meals (not all expensive) and spent more than $600 in restaurants, ice cream stops and pastry shops.
We buy very few trip reminder stuff, occasionally a shirt or mug or… but not major expenses. We do buy gifts and things for grandkids. We refuse to talk about what we spent at King Arthur Flour. Or how much it took to pack it into our rather full truck.
Other notes:
1. Everything on the trailer worked very well once the heat issue was resolved. We were comfortable even when temps reached the mid 30’s with no issues. We were able to dry camp five days before we needed to add water and empty holding tanks. Longer than we thought.
2. Solar does not work when it rains all day. Who knew!
3. The Honda generator worked very well, extra nice to have that on board.
4. The small propane Weber grill equally useful and super easy to use. Love having it with us.
5. You CAN exercise in a very small trailer. Much to my disappointment. Bridges, side planks, get ups, push ups, planks and squats can all be done inside! Thanks Myra.
6. Having a moose in the trailer causes a lot of tension.
Cadillac’s Correct Viewpoint!
I am not sure what the guides did - surely not why they did anything - but even with their constant interference, delays and insurrections the trip was a smashing success. I accomplished every goal and gained a new acolyte - he is a lot of work. I did find out he is from Baxter State Park in central Maine and since the tradition of the Moose is to be named for a nearby relic or mountain it turns out his name is Randal. Randal, really, where did that come from? Oh, well if I can get him out of his lumberjack outfit we might make some progress with civilizing him. I have a plan underway to entice the guides to Alaska and, even though we are not completely sure where it is (off the coast of southern California is the leading contender), I am going to insist we go to Montana on the way. Regal is wonderful, I know she wants to meet me. And then on to conqueror the impediments to full Moose Rights.
Seriously, do I look like a llama? Why am I alway carrying the pack when it is steep? Something about feeding me, well it is not that good.