If you read the "Eats!" section (and this being Thursday there is a new one today) of Two Lane Touring you may recall a few weeks ago I posted a shot of the Tomato Pie restaurant in Lititz, Pennsylvania. The photo was fair at best. So I said I would get a better shot - so here they are. Also, I ate food there this time ( I still had the Creme Brûlée coffee! ), absolutely excellent. CJH and EBH and I ate there for lunch, it was really good. The cold strawberry soup was very flavorful, just wow. We ate at the 100 year-old ice cream counter. Highly recommend the food here if you are in Lititz - and you should, nice town. Pretzels to make, chocolate to taste, history, and shops, what is not to like. The real promise kept was taking our youngest granddaughter to "see the cows" and Hershey and lots more. What a joy she is to experience this area together.
Also, your price of admission to Two Lane Touring includes all these "extra" photos in the last week, one day we posted 8 a new TLT record.