I asked rhetorically the other day, what does the hurricane mean for the trip. The answer is now a bit more clear. We are leaving early Thursday morning instead of Saturday to stay ahead of the storm. We still plan to be in Frederick MD on Saturday and Sunday but not sure where we will be the next two nights. We may or may not stay in the trailer, depends if we find an open hotel or a safe spot for the trailer. If the current expectations hold, NOVA and the area of MD where we are traveling ought to be lightly affected. But no one really knows.
So, it has been hectic here, work later in the day and then packing and house preparation at night. Lots to do before we can leave but we are close to a manageable level. If all goes well or close to well we should be north of the major issues by Friday if we leave about the time this posts on Thursday AM.
We are doing what we can to secure the house, we are low and have lots of drains around the house. So that is a concern. I am creating some dams to move water to where I would prefer it goes. Very grateful to have family nearby that does not mind checking on things and picking up after the storm. I hope we do not have to return but that is a possibility to park the trailer somewhere are drive back.
So, we completed the packing of the trailer with everything except fridge food, cameras, computers, and medicines. Truck is 90% done as of this morning, Wednesday, about 6:45.
Another change is we will be doing our daily trip diary a bit earlier. So, the first post will be either Monday or Tuesday instead of Wednesday. We intend to post with a three-day delay because often we will not have WI-FI and we would like to be consistent. So when we post Monday, for example, that would cover the trip on Friday (and Thursday). I am sure we will miss a couple of days.
Please be cautious where you might be, storms are often worse than they seem and everything is so saturated that it will not take much to topple more than a few trees. Blessings.