Alaska Journey Day 31 / by Dave Hileman

A Bearable Day

 We slept in to almost 6:15. Light comes up here well before 4. Before we left the campground we went back to Chilkoot to photograph what we could find. One eagle posed nicely. Then we rode to the end of the highway, another mile or so. I spied a really neat yellow boat and the owner was out sitting in a lawn chair so when I turned around I stopped and asked if he would mind me taking a photo of the boat. He said, “You don’t want to photograph the bear?” A bear. On the beach. Super cool. The man’s daughter came out - she is a school teacher living in Maine home for the summer and she was shooting as well. Nice people and great view of the bear. Their stories of bears and whales and more were exceptional. He has lived in this spot for 40 years. After we packed up we started again for interior Alaska. Back into Canada again, BC then Yukon. We stopped early at a beautiful lake for a $12 campsite so we could rest a bit - just drove 2.5 hours. Cooking dinner with a million dollar view. Some of it is obscured because of a large forest fire in BC a great distance away. Still gorgeous. 

Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint

We were rolling again. Canada - sneak across the boarder, British Columbia, Yukon same old drill. Then we stopped. We hardly started. And we are sitting by a lake, that’s the good part and they are settling in for the night. No WiFi here, no email, no coffee shops for miles and we are still not at the rally spots. I’m going to go sit in the lake and sulk. Don’t talk to me. BdB can come and guard the beach so no one comes near.
