Repeat - sort of - Day
We went back to Denali. Stopped for church in Wasilla and then on to the park. As we traveled up the Park Highway we noticed The Mountain. There was Denali completely without clouds- we expect because of the strong winds. The rangers tell us that about 1/3 of people who visit the park see the peak of Denali, we had not until this time. But not just the peak but the whole of the visible range. Striking. After we got ourselves and Tom settled in the campground we struck off to mile post 15 - as far as you can drive a private car. Our plan was a view of the mountain & a hike at Savage River. Neither worked as Denali was no longer visible and the wind kicked up a notch and with dropping temperatures and rain, we turned around after 200 yards. In the truck headed back we spotted both caribou and moose and found a nice walk at Mountain View trail. The weather still a bit cold but the wind and rain stopped. A pasta dinner in Tom’s RV completed the day.
Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint
Good place to start my campaign swing across Alaska. No idea why it is a swing. Then on to Washington and the Great NorthWest. I am also starting my funding. I expect this to be expensive so I am going to try and raise $274.58. That ought to cover everything. I have also learned I need a vice candidate. Well I am opposed to vice, so I think it is a trap set for me by some of the more devious of the 282 other candidates. I will put BrrICE on it. Finally we are back in the Central part of Alaska - my major Moose constituency will be the back drop of my first major speech. Then I’ll sequester (I have learned some political words - erudition being one of my most outstanding qualities) for a week or so to finish staff stuff. Right now into what passes for a town to get a latte. I really need to fill the Chief of Latte Acquisition soon.
Tom’s First Moose, except for Cadillas
Our first full view of Denali but it gets better!