An Etherial Evening Day
At breakfast this morning along the air strip under an overcast sky, we watched two Sandhill Cranes about 50 feet from our window in a mating dance. Pretty neat. Then a fox came along and they moved out to the middle of the runway. We visited Fountainhead Auto Museum where period costumes displayed with the pre WWII collection outshone the cars. After seeing a spot near the oil pipeline with an interesting lesson on the engineering challenges, we decided to get a jump on our 2200 mile trip to Vancouver. It tuned out to be a great choice.
As we drove into the twilight, the scenery glowed. There were blankets of deep green spruce spotted with gold and orange trees that rolled up the mountain sides. The impossibly massive mountains capped with ice and snow were various shades of red and green and grey. The many braided rivers we crossed were tinged with turquoise from the glacier melt. The open tundra stretched like an ocean blazing with red and mauve and gold. The sky behind us began as a glow, then turned yellow, then a bit of rose. The cotton ball clouds in front of us were tinged with a soft pink and finally, as the darkness deepened, the sky changed to the color of the fresh grilled salmon. Every mile was a delight and each one more compelling than the last. God is an awesome artist and architect - a magnitude beyond our best imaginations.
Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint
I got letters from Ms. McKinley. She said to shape up, pull my self together, quit moping about and get busy. She said she wants to date with someone with ambition and goals and we can continue to correspond while I campaign. See, she is smart too! Plus beautiful. Her plan is to come when I campaign where her cousins live. Not sure exactly where, but it is in Soda. The mini one, apparently. I will locate it and add it to the many states I am finding. So far I have uncovered 26, who knew? So, I sent Brr ICE out for lattes, many of them. Now on to the staff work. I need it done by Monday cause that is the day of the traditional campaign swings. Or something like that. Anyway, joy and delight are with me again. First I will write to Ms. McK. Then back to the campaign.
Just a hint!