Fixed It Day
We spent the night at the Cracker Barrel in Boise. So you can guess where breakfast occurred. Then off to Hagerman Fossil Bed. Not my favorite type of park. The best thing was the portion of the Oregon Trail that passes across this area - you can still see extensive ruts from the wagons and worn tracks in the ground. And the view in places in unchanged. Then on to the Minidoka Internment Center. Another sad chapter where a group of people were not treated equitably. At the outbreak for WWII thousands of American citizens of Japanese heritage were placed in camps. The one here in Idaho is a new National Park Service site and being developed. The park tells an important story. Not many of the buildings remain from the tar paper city that had 10,000 people living in it. A couple of buildings and lots of scars. Still a moving place and will be more so as the park matures. Leaving here I went to a shop in Jerome to get some help on my truck. Last year the transmission did not work right and it was the radiator causing the issue. The same thing began again so I sought some help. Turns out the same deal but cleaning the radiators with a strong spray of water restored the shifting. The lower part of the radiator cools the transmission fluid and it was caked with mud and dirt. Alaska dirt mostly.
Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint
Since it is pretty clear I will win this election thing, I wrote to Ms. McKinley with an idea I had and she was very pleased because she is not anxious to leave Alaska. So, once I am commissioned as President, I will move the White House to Alaska. Simple. That is the kind of creative thinking that is one of my most outstanding qualities. I think I will paint it too as white is boring. Maybe a light maple color?
Oregon Trail follows the send ridge in the photo