Leaving Yellowstone Day
On the way back to Grand Tetons we took one more loop on the Gull Drive but did not see much. Another stop, this time at the Rockefeller Parkway, was to see where I might photograph this park but did not see anything compelling so I shot the neat fireplace in the VC. Another stop at Colter Bay to use WiFi (at the laundry!) to pay some bills and yet one more at Signal Mountain where there was a spot left in the campground so we seized it. We took a short hike along two nice lakes, drove to the top of the mountain for a great view of the park and then set up for an early dinner to photograph sunset over the lake - right by our site, but the clouds rolled in and the sun set with out fanfare.
Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint
Spoke in several lodges where I am a hit, of course. Secured the National Parks for 2020. Since they are “National” I guess I have most of the 50 or so states covered but still, unrelenting, I press on regardless preparing for the “swing” states and the “battle” states. I wonder if they give prizes too? Was able to scoff down three lattes today with three different flavors, all were pretty well done but I think I could do better. I will have my Chief of Lattes look into this serious matter of state (more pol talk).
The aptly named Dragon’s Mouth” a super neat thermal feature.