The Contrast Day
After Prince George we left the Yellowhead and picked up the Caribou Highway first through nice farms and ranches, then forest again. The road is up and down the hills along this stunning wide valley. As we neared the end of Caribou the land abruptly changed to high dessert, barren hills no trees and irrigated fields. Heading slightly southwest now we were along the Fraser River which was deeply forested again but we were not prepared for the big surprise of a long (80/90 miles), deep, gorge with the river far below, train tracks on each side of the steep cliff and a drive that was white knuckle most of the way. Steep inclines up and down, edge of the cliff narrow roads, tunnels, twists and, as an added bonus, we hit a heavy, windy rain squall. Very few services on this stretch of somewhat scary road. I needed a brake (snick) so we stopped in a rest area and Cindy fixed a nice hot dinner. We ended a long day in the Walmart parking lot in Abbotsville, 2 miles from the entry point to the US.
Cadillac’s Most Correct Viewpoint
Big Announcement from the Cadillac Moose Campaign 2020 of first staff appointments.
Tom, Chief of Latte Acquisition, Maple Division
BrrICE, Chief of Personal Security (Rebecca Chief of Responsible for his behavior)
Mr. Mook, Chief Security Analyst and Chief Staff Photographer
Mrs. Mook, Chief of Patience (see above reason)
Ellary, Chief of Cookies and Cakes
Joy, Chief Personal Photographer
Rachel, Chief Adviser for Posters & Promotion
Addie, Chief of Lettering and Personal Painter
Janet, CFO
Rusty, Chief of Communications to the HP
Becky, Chief Historian
Beth, Chief of Schedules
Kellen, Chief of Transportation
Phil, Chief of Third Tier Minions