Thankful .2 / by Dave Hileman

I am eternally grateful for the Church. The Church is an important portal through whom God chooses to make himself known and, so, essential for grace and mercy, for salvation and peace and much more. Often, because of flawed and faulty people, poor theology and misplaced priorities the Church suffers but it also endures, can blossom and is yet in this world a singular force for good, a voice for those genuinely disadvantaged, poor and broken. God’s people provide a place of healing, service and kindness. The Church is simply God’s people gathered or scattered seeking first His Kingdom and referencing first His grace. It is also often represented by a building known by the same name and while occasionally confused for The Church, a building is a neutral thing and a constant reminder driving around of the great numbers of people who profess to believe beyond what they can weigh and measure. And that is good. I am thankful for, enriched by and blessed because of the Church.

Doors of a small church building in the middle of the Shenandoah Valley somewhere!

Doors of a small church building in the middle of the Shenandoah Valley somewhere!