Family - our sons and daughters-in-law and GRANDKIDS are all a blessing. You pray that your children will become productive and capable adults, find someone to share life with who is more than a good companion and will who be a full partner to create joy and meaning in life. I am so thankful for them. I am thankful that faith has meaning for all of their lives. And then there is the bonus, super grandkids. What absolute joy they provide and to see them growing into fine adults is gratifying and a privilege. There is not a day that slips past that I don’t give thanks for all of those who comprise what we simply define as family, and….
…on this Day of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for Cindy. It is hard, perhaps impossible, to understand at 16 when you are enamored by a beautiful young woman, what that means for life as you date, marry, raise a family, work, travel, attend to life together and age together. It is not hard, however, to look back from that first glance and to see how blessed, fortunate, and gifted that life became because she shared herself on that journey. It is Cindy that made a comfortable home wherever we lived (or travel), provided an atmosphere that enabled our sons to thrive, gave me the encouragement and support in many dimensions that allowed me to succeed at college and work and, with her discipline and attention to life’s details, she solves many issues small and large that otherwise would be a problem. She makes the travel more enjoyable, dinners more enticing and every day a blessing and a joy. Thankful seems almost an inadequate word.
At one of her preferred places, along side the ocean. This one at the Cape Lookout National Seashore.