It has been awhile. And, of course, like everyone else this year our plans were mostly canceled. So instead of the 18 or 20 parks we planned on seeing so far this year - we have one. But that means we are traveling a bit and for that we are grateful. Our first too brief stop was in Atlanta to meet some old friends and see a bit of the Kennesaw Mountain NMP. A new park for us. However we were in the aftermath of the hurricane and it was wet, rainy and parts of the park were closed. We did find a brief walk between showers to the Illinois monument that is found at the Dead Angle where rather fierce fighting took place in June of 1864,
Interesting sidetone on this spot. Veterans purchased this land and deeded it to the state of Illinois and you were actually in Illinois when you were here until a few years ago when it was given to the NPS.
After this it is on to a wedding in Birmingham.
The Confederate forces were well dug it at the top of the ridge.