One of the activities we like to do, Cindy more than me, is to go and look at Christmas lights people have put around their homes. Some are extravagant, some modest, a few just have a wreath and some nothing. There are also those who go all out for the season. You can find maps or take limo tours of those houses. We have done the “Tacky Light Tour” in Richmond a few times and here in Raleigh the local TV station sets out a list of places to view. The other day we chose two near us. The first was a tasteful assembly with a nice flashing light display set to music that you could listen to over an FM station in your car. The other wasn’t any of those things.
The “Light” Trio, we were lucky to see them as they are usually on the circuit. (Remember this is free!)
Here we have the very definition of visual cacophony. This is about 1/3 of this yard.