Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site / by Dave Hileman

This is a very moving site which focuses on the integration of the school in 1957 by nine courageous black students and the efforts to keep them from attending. A highlight of the museum is the presentation of video from both 1957 and retrospective interviews from much later in the nine students’ lives. Through the large windows in the excellent Visitor Center, you could see both the high school and the gas station where the media were clustered.

We arrived early on a Sunday morning, a benefit for visiting park sites in larger cities to avoid the most traffic and find parking when towing a trailer. Apple or Google maps street view is a help with parking. Early arrival at the the museum was good since the limit was set at 6 visitors. The tour of the high school - still in use today - was canceled because of Covid concerns.

Cadillac’s Viewpoint: Once again, I am in favor of rights civil, natural, Moose et al. Seems to me that school is not that critical - I mean look at how successful I am with no actual schooling. I don’t really count that time at the CIA learning to cook. Of course, I am a Moose. Cadillac’s Elevation 4 Antlers

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