Dispatch from Marshal Moose
Today was not a stellar day, yet I will not utter a discouraging word. We did not venture anywhere but spent the whole day loafing around the town we are camping near. I was tempted to pilot a few planes cause we are at the airport but never got the chance. We had to shop in —looking carefully over shoulder for the formerly Kind One, kinda girly places. Something about Chip and Dale or Joanna, I forget. There was food and a good latte involved and that was good. Apparently we also stocked with BBQ and more stuff cause of the “storm” and the temperature that will be about 17 - whatever that means. The Driver who was going to drive today said the weather was going to be “too bad to travel.” Right, like who ever heard of such a thing. We Moose are made for any kind of weather with our superior fur and dynamic fluidity. (ED NOTE - Someone has been reading the “word of the day” calendar again) But what can I do. I have some plans in place but until we move a bit more into real Texas I will just eat and plan and eat some more. Maybe I can get in some target practice. But I still need those pearl handled Colt six-shooters. Hmmmm.
View of a lone tree from our campsite on the shore of Lake Waco.
At the Magnolia Market made famous by Chip and Joanna Gaines and their show, Fixer Upper. They have transformed a portion of downtown and done so very well. This is a waffle ball field on the site of an old baseball field where Babe Ruth once played. The church is being restored, moved on site from another part of town. Lots of food trucks parked under cover, coffee shop, home furnishings, bakery and lots more cleverly organized and in the midst of a big expansion.
We also walked to the Dr Pepper Museum where the first bottling plant was and just a block or two from the original drug store where the 23 flavor “pepper” was invented. Well done and fun tour that ended with a hand mixed Dr Pepper.
We had a late excellent lunch at Cafe Homestead a bit north of town. It is part of an intentional Christian community somewhat related to the Mennonite/Amish theology but separate from those groups. By the time we left, 3:20 or so it was raining, hard. We scampered to the grocery store that was way over capacity. Returning to the camper, we are in and the rain is coming down in sheets. Close to torrential as I care and changing to ice by 3AM and snow by 5AM, stopping after noon tomorrow. We will be here and in all day, never have done that before in the camper and we are not sure how it will handle the lows of 23 tomorrow AM and 13 on Friday. Not sure we can go anywhere Friday either. So, here we sit!