Here is where we are at this point getting the trailer repaired and on the road. As of March 1 no work has been done on the trailer. They “did not get to it” after telling me that they expected to work on it beginning on February 23rd or 24th. Now they have pushed it to start tomorrow. MAYBE. The insurance is waiting on Oliver to determine a cause for the melt down before making a decision on whether it is covered or not. They said a factory mistake or a maintenance issue would rule out the claim. I think after 6 years the factory issue is likely moot and the trailer was completely gone over in January for inspection and maintenance issues. So I am at least somewhat hopeful it will be covered. We have a steep enough deductible to make even that uncomfortable but not nearly what I expect this bill to be when they are done. Our plans are now canceled for this winter trip - we do hope to do a week or two in the general area of the factory when we pick up the trailer before heading back home. Now we are just concerned about late spring and summer.
Great Smoky Mountain sunrise. The GSMNP may be our new spring destination.