The Mating Game - OBX Series (multiple photos) / by Dave Hileman

We were able to come up to the line where the Park Service had set an area aside for nesting. The terns, however, did not read the signs and were nesting on both sides of the lines. It was amazing to see all the activity swirling all around. The terns have an interesting mating ritual. The male goes fishing and then with a fish in it’s beak, tries to impress a female tern. She usually rebuffs a few attempts. Some scientists think the size of the fish correlates to how well the female expects the male to provide for her brood. Anyway, we watched this unfold with multiple pairs of terns. I managed to isolate one from the time he starts to woo his potential mate until she accepts the fish from him.

The male is on the right trying to get the attention of the female with the fish he is holding. This took several minutes before she landed.

She still feigned disinterest so he resorts to raising and lowering wings and trying to move in front of her.

More impressing

Not working well as she turns away.

He moves back in the field of view and she eyes the fish

He moves awaiting her decision

The lowering of her head indicates acceptance

He offers the fish to her and…

…she accepts. We will allow them some privacy now:)

There were many pairs of terns all around the beach.