They have long been rumored, written about and written off, featured in podcasts, described as flights of fancy and provided explanation for some of the finest photos ever presented but never duplicated. Now speculation can be laid to rest - we actually encountered the no longer mythological PhotoAngels.
Cindy and I were on the Silver River in a kayak looking for manatee. After an hour with no success, in the middle of the river, three beautiful women appeared on flat sailing devices standing on the water and beckoned us to follow them. They directed us to some manatee, herded them so we could get better views, and then took our picture with the gentle water beasts. Before we could barely thank them, they drifted off into the mist of the stream, and we never saw them again.
I ran the very tiny photos they gave us through GigaPixel to four times the initial size. Then imported into ON 1, I edited them and used the No Noise and Sharpening tab to bring out some detail.
We are grateful to the PhotoAngels for the memory we have - now they need to upgrade the camera:)
Drifting Away into Folk Lore