I saw the Acorn Woodpecker first at Big Bend NP ( see earlier post) and then again at Davis Mountain State Park. It is a very colorful bird. I also added the Common Blackhawk at the Rio Grande Village section of Big Bend. I saw a Rock Wren at Santa Elena Canyon at BBNP. Then at Fort Leaton Texas State Historic Park I saw my first Black Ladderback Woodpecker, (sometimes just Ladderback). I was also able to see it again at Davis Mountain at a bird blind that the park set up - really nice place with indoor and outdoor seating - lots of water and food for the birds and a backdrop of a grassy slope leading up the hill behind the blind. There I saw a Canyon Towhee, a Scotts Oriole and a Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, all three are new and several more I had seen only once before. Then at our campsite outside our window was a Vermilion Flycatcher! No photo but what a great find that Cindy spotted. On to Guadalupe Mountains NP where I met Frank Howe - who was just the state ornithologist for the state of Utah and Utah State professor of ornithology. Fortunately for me he was also a nice guy and willing to share the Identity of some birds I had seen but did not ID. So I added the Black-chinned Sparrow, the Townsend's Solitaire, the Say’s Phoebe, Pine Siskin and Cassin’s Finch. Wow and thanks Frank.
i also saw three mountain goats that came down the mountain to get a drink, a shy young deer and a family of Javelinas including a very young one with the group.
If you are keeping score those 13 new birds bring the total to 434!
Scott’s Oriole
Cassin’s Finch
Townsend's Solitaire
Canyon Towhee