by Cadillac Moose, PhD, McD
No, absolutely not. No, I am not doing it. Really, its a little Scottish Restaurant? Well, that could be okay. No, wait, you are tricking me. There was no haggis on the menu. I will not review a place that serves its food in a paper sack. You did’t even order the food they gave it to you cause they could not sell it. I heard the girl. I will not stoop to reviewing a place like this. Paul Hollywood would laugh at me and the GBBS would never call. NO, nope, non-starter, fini. I still have the fabulous place in Africa, the desserts at the Boardwalk, the breakfast at the boat place and the pile all the food you can hold on a table place, we can do the breakfast place or even a coffee shop but not, I repeat, not give-a-way burgers in yellow paper. Never. I have standards. Not sure what they are yet but when I get them, your “little Scottish restaurant” won’t be on that list. I will be mortified if Mr. Hollywood even hears about this little conversation.