We are doing these two parks together as Alibates is within the Lake Meredith NRA north of Amarillo, Texas. And both were a bit disappointing. Alibates is where Indians harvested flint. This was of a very high quality and they traded roughly shaped stone all across the west and Mexico. The stone would be finished, called knapping, into axes, spear points, arrow heads and scrapers. The day we arrived the ancient quarries were closed as they were repaving the road that week. So we saw the VC, a small museum, some sample flint and a display garden.
Lake Meredith was hard to access and the water was low. But we drove - with the trailer on rather poorly maintained roads, about 14 miles to a place where we could get to the lake. Underwhelming.
Fancy word meaning we arranged the rocks:) Or, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xeriscaping
Alibates VC.