City of Rocks / by Dave Hileman

In south central New Mexico is a unique cluster of large boulders atop a gentle hill in the midst of the otherwise seemingly empty landscape. This is City of Rocks State Park. We camped here for two nights - should have stayed longer, to facilitate a visit to a remote National Park, Gila Cliff Dwellings about 2 hours away. The rock formations also included several trees as the rocks allowed some of the snow melt here to collect along with the rare rain storm to provide sufficient water for a few trees. You were free to roam across the mile or so of the jumble of rocks and explore without defined paths. It was quite interesting however it was cold and windy when we were there. Windy was the theme for much of our trip. I will share a couple of photos today and tomorrow.

The shade of a tree is so appreciated in this land

If this place is a “city” this is the main street