Life Changes Fast - Please Read / by Dave Hileman

My wife, Cindy’s health, rapidly declined in a few weeks time from hiking trails in the National Parks to struggling to stand. Today marks one week into the hospital experience. She is diagnosed with lung cancer, a complete surprise to us. Treatments begin soon. Her prognosis is difficult. Yet we are people of faith and know regardless of the outcome we are secure in God’s love, grace and mercy.

I am not prepared for reflection at this time but Cindy and I talked last night about how grateful we are for the years we have shared, the effort to make occasions like birthdays and anniversaries special and the family and friends that surround us. Traveling and enjoying one another’s company in every day little events mean even ordinary days are a joy. We also talked about the future and the challenge it brings. If you are someone who also values faith, I would appreciate your prayers for this amazing lady.

In the ten plus years of this blog there has been a photo posted every day, that is not going to continue at this point. Right now I am too tired, too stressed and way too busy. I will post randomly but not consistently. In fact, this post will remain here all week as many people who read TLT only do so occasionally.

Cindy on a trail four months ago.