Two Lane Touring took a two week hiatus but posting resumes Monday the 19th. Who knows, in another 11 years we may need a second two-week break. I hope you will read the TLT Story on the site as it will share more of the plans here. I had thought about changing the format - I did lighten the background, but it is a much more extensive effort than I could do in the time available last week. I did look at several other templates but not enough to know how they might look. I am working on a new logo. This week is the first of the theme weeks but that too will be more complete as the idea matures. So for the first theme you will find, horses. Yes, really, horses. Next week you will see wedding photos and you don’t want to miss those as there will be four actual photographers’ work shared here, so good photos. The following week will be National Parks. We are off with the new process and, indeed, the next three Saturdays at least we have food. Plus Sunday Scripture resumes on the 25th of August.
We have been busy little bees preparing Two Lane Touring for the next phase.
Photo: Waveland State Historic site, near Lexington, KY Fuji X-T5, 16-80mm lens at 43mm, f5.6, iso 400, 1/250.