The camera you always have with you or at least the one I always have with me is my iPhone. And the camera in that tiny package is pretty good, even very good. I read once that Apple has - not sure I recall the actual number, but something like 650 engineers who just work on the camera. While this blog is about pictures and not gear or testing gear or much of anything on the technical side of photography (you need to know something on the technical side to write about it, or at least if what you write is partially true:) Back to the phone in your camera, I use mine is a variety of ways: photos of food or friends in a restaurant, reference shots of a place I would like to take photos at a better time or in a better light, things I might what to research like a book or a bike or, well anything I might consider buying, for documents I may need, for instructions or for someone’s business card. I find that I often use the iPhone camera for hiking, picture of the name of the trail, the map of the trail and quick photos en route. They are great for a quick shot and post to social media as well. I do that a lot and I cannot pass up a funny sign! A newer use is for identification. You can take a photo of a plant, open it and tap the little button in the middle of the row below the photo and magically the name of the plant appears. It works with birds as well. I have some photos from the “real” camera of birds I was unsure of and took an iPhone photo of my screen in the processing program on my laptop and got the answer to “What bird is this?” Not so surprising I also use if for photos. So this week’s theme is iPhone photos. Here is part one of four and I will post about 6 each day.
These are photos from several years ago but are good illustrations of using the phone. On a boat with the Grands, on a ski lift, through a snowy windshield, a “no graduating geese” sign, a parking lot shot to recall the place or the food at your table