The ocean was rather calm today. We were out at sunrise and with quiet water and overcast skies there was not much color. DIdn’t matter still nice to be out there. Our first hike was just a mile or so on the Jessup Trail, a flat, half boardwalk trail that leads through a marsh area. Later we also did the short but very pretty Hunter Brook to the sea. This is a pebble beach with a stream rushing into the Atlantic making a different experience. The sounds of the small rocks shifting in the surf is unique. After lunch we hit a new trail along Little Long Pond. This was not hard but had some significant muddy spots to negotiate. A beautiful place just a short distance from Seal Harbor. Three shot hikes still add up as we did nearly 7 miles. We have just finished dinner and clean up so we are in search of ice cream.
Sunrise, Otter Point
Hunter Brook racing into the Atlantic
Little Long Pond
Update Cadillac - where, what and with whom — for his fans
Well, the celebration must be tomorrow. I’ll get a good sleep and be ready.