Things are very busy here. We tried too late to walk Jordan Pond, no parking left and that also meant no popovers on the lawn. So, plan B. We drove to Northwest Harbor and ate a nice lunch at The Colonels. We then walked around a residential portion of the town past massive old mansions that were very well kept - some of them on the ocean. And then poked around some of the shops. All the while waiting for our Cadillac Mountain reservation. You must now reserve a time (and pay) to get to the top. The plan was for Rusty and me to walk back to the campground. It was just under five miles and felt like a lot more. While down seems like it ought to be easier and perhaps was, it did not appear that way to me. My knees and legs were sore by the half-way point and there was a lot of mud and enough rocks to build several castles and each one was a step up or down. But it was a neat experience and we enjoyed the scenery and being deep in the forest. We also expected after we got back to the road across from the campground that we were nearly there, but no. And instead of the flat walk through the woods I expected we were again going up and down and huge boulders were abundant. It certainly does take up your afternoon.
Couple passing the slow guys on the way down. What a view.
Update Cadillac - where, what and with whom — for his fans
Well, the celebration simply must be tomorrow, it must. I can still ct surprised and humble. Yup, that’s the key, humility.