Today was move back day. Our friends departed for Virginia at 5:30 this morning. Cindy and I had taken one load of stuff to our trailer that is stored about twenty minutes away and finished that job this morning after completing the requirements of the house rental. We are at Seawall campground in the National Park located in the Southwest portion of the island. Lots of rain today. Since it was not conducive for hiking we chose to get re-stocked on groceries. We tried twice to take a walk but just could not dodge the rain so, short dashes and back to the car. Dinner was in the trailer tonight and it was great. Plus we still have blueberry pie for dessert. The rain makes the trailer seem very snug and cozy.
Rain and fog on a small pond
Walking to a spot on the shore I spooked this heron, wrong setting on my camera and a couple of seconds to shoot so I panned with him with the wind and rain blowing hard and got a result I like.
Update Cadillac - where, what and with whom — for his fans
Ed Note: The Moose is sulking. He wants a better picture of the “crown & statue - award” but I told him it was put away. He is not speaking or writing.