The rain began at 3 AM on Saturday and with brief respites continued until 4:00 Sunday afternoon. We thought we had a window in the morning. We hit Bass Island Lighthouse and then took off on the Ship Harbor trail. The trail is named for an Irish schooner, the Grand Design, that wrecked here in the late 1600’s. It is a figure eight through deep forest then out on the rocky shore. About the time we hit the cross over on the eight it started to drizzle, about the time we got to the shore it was raining, heading back it poured and the trail filled with water. You could not go around some of the puddles so we waded through them. Soaked! Our shoes are still drying and everything else went through a dryer at the local laundry. After lunch we poked through a shop or two and took a ride to both Long Pond and Echo Lake. Then we went to the Hinckley Yacht builder and saw a cottage nearby where we stayed about 30 years ago. Seemed like a nostalgia tour. Dinner at the trailer and a moderate sunset capped the day.
Just a bit off the rain soaked trail in a deeply forested park of Acadia National Park
Storm surge on the rocky shore at Ship Harbor.
Hinckley harbor with clearing sky
Update Cadillac - where, what and with whom — for his fans
I am not sulking. I am protesting. As an all-American Moose and former Bull Moose Party Presidential Candidate it is my inalienable right. You hid my beautiful award statue and announcement gong. And provided me with a suspect photo. My protest will last three days, not counting this one cause I had to un-protest to set the recored straight. I need my simulacrum and the announcement gong that shall ring each time I enter a room. The protest in reinstated.