We have had a few calls from friends who were checking in on our vacation. It is difficult to make the adjustment but this is not really vacation - it is just a slice of the year on the road. And when we have a day like yesterday with lots of rain and this one - lots of errands, waiting and not much “excitement” it feels ok cause we have those days in abundance at home as well. You cannot travel for two or three months and not have regular stuff to attend to - in fact if you get a week straight with little of that it would be the exception. Today was one of those days. Mostly. We still had a nice walk to the seawall near our campground before checkout time, the sun was out and warming, the ocean a brilliant blue and the birds active all around. We also stopped in Bar Harbor for our lunch that would do for dinner today, so, lots of fun in the midst of the errands. The car wash was a necessity and we had a two hour plus wait to get the oil changed, also needed. The time was way better than the Toyota garage who said they could get us in late October! We got new maps at AAA, cleaned up a lot of stuff in the trailer, emptied tanks, filled the propane (Tractor Supply is great for this), stopped at a bakery, checked tire pressures and worked on the upcoming week. I am writing this while they finish the oil change and then off to a maple farm for the night. Then tomorrow we are off in search of leaves and moose in the northern reaches of New Hampshire and Vermont.
Seawall Surf
Update Cadillac - where, what and with whom — for his fans
(Ed Note: Since he is still sulking, day two by my count, I will set the record straight for real. It is not an announcement gong, it is a wind chime, it is not an award and if he uses a word like simulacrum again I am going to take away is “Word of the Day” calendar.)