Of all the categories of National Parks like Monuments, Historic Sites, Battlefields etc. the National Recreation Areas are my least favorite. They are usually manmade reservoirs and most of the activity is on the water or fishing. I don’t have a boat and I only fish at places where it comes filleted and broiled on a plate. The ANRA is really no exception however we did two short trails covering a little more than a mile. It was through a high desert environment with lots of cacti along side this massive lake. However nearly three years of severe drought has left the lake levels very low it it was less impressive than it would have been a few years ago. We did stop at the VC, got a stamp and brochure and the two short hikes, so number 326 is in the books.
Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas
Spring bloom for Prickly Pear Cactus
The railroad bridge over the Pecos River